from Reno Nevada,
I entered
the Army in 1984 and reported for basic training at Fort Knox, KY.
My first duty station was at Fort Knox, KY and my duty title was
19E M60A3 Crewman or Tanker. I then went through transition training
and became a 19K Tanker on the M1 tank. In 1989 I was assigned to
Korea for a year as a tanker and then received orders sending me
to Fort Polk Louisiana where I also served as a Tanker. I served
almost 9 years as an Armor Crewman before reclassifying to a Graphic
Illustrator. In 1992 I was assigned to the 4th Psychological Operations
Group (Airborne) at Fort Bragg, NC, then attended Airborne training
in 1993. In March of 1995 I was assigned to the 751st MI Battalion
in Korea until 1996.
My last
duty station was the 5th Special Forces Group {Airborne) where I
have completed the Jump Master Course and served for my last 8 years
in the Army. During my assignment at the 5th SFG (A), I deployed
FREEDOM. I retired in 2004 and I specialize in computer graphic
design and freehand drawing. I use the latest software available
including Corel Draw, Adobe Photo Shop and Dreamweaver Webpage Design
software. I also freehand black and white drawings then reproduce
my artwork into prints. In addition, Design Military Coins, airbrush
on Harley Davidsons and glass etch both surface and deep etch. I
am always striving to be the best at my artwork and to give something
back to those who have helped me succeed as an artist. I have done
drawing projects for USASOC, USASFC, CENTCON, 7 prints dealing with
Special Forces, 160th SOAR, The Golden Knights Army Parachute team,
4th PSYOP, the 101st Airborne Division Air Assault and various Army
units. I am very reliable and Gerald Printing, who received the
National Printing Award, Best printer in Nation, reproduces my artwork
into prints.
The printing
of my artwork is just as important to me as the drawing because
that is what you are purchasing and I expect the print to look exactly
like the original Artwork, No Exception... Most of my Prints are
20" x 24" and printed on very thick textured ALL Acid Free paper
I greatly
appreciate the support of my friends and soldiers in SOCOM, USASOC,
USASFC, the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), The Nightstalkers,
The Special Forces Association, The 101st Airborne Division (Air
Assault) and all others for purchasing many of my prints over the
last few years. Thanks to your support, I can continue to produce
prints for those who serve our country and support our military.
My artwork
can be ordered from www.fallengraphics.com and you can now pay by
credit card for your convenience. Thank you and feel free to contact
me at the e-mail link on my website. Go to the Hire Artist link
on my website to contract me for a print or the My Prints link to
purchase prints.